
Artificial Intelligence Meal Planner- Suggested The Strange Recipe

AI Meal Planner- Suggested The Strange Recipe:

AI meal planner app has suggested a remarkable recipe that can create chlorine gas.

As in the 21st century, AI has been involved in all fields of our lives whether it’s school accounting, hospital management, or kitchen recipes. AI helped everyone in their work. Though this AI-generated meal planner app is not yet came to the market but the New Zealand supermarket has been experimenting for some time with the AI-generated meal planner app.

During their experiments they noticed that the meal planner app has created unusual recipes or dishes and also recommended customers recipes for deadly chlorine gas, they named the dishes “poison bread sandwiches” or mosquito repellent roast potatoes.

As you can see from the name of the dishes these will be the harm to the human being. These dishes are having chlorine gas in it that’s why they are considered as they are poisonous.

This app was mainly manufactured by the supermarket chain Pak “n” Save, this app is helpful for those who want to use their creativity level and use the leftovers of their meal in making a new dish so that people can survive in this era where everyone is having a living crisis.

In this app you just have to add up the ingredient in the app which are available in your home at that time and then the app will automatically create the recipe or plan along with voice-full commentary. In the start, this app get attention from many people as it was creating and unappealing or strange dishes like the “Oreo vegetable stir fry”.

People started to do different experiments with this app, they started entering a lot of ingredients in the app which are available in their home and then the app did its work and created the way strange recipes like “aromatic water mix” and this recipe would create the chlorine gas. And for this recipe, the internet robot recommends the recipe as the “ the perfect non-alcoholic beverage to quench your thirst and refresh your senses”.

The internet robot also added that “ serve chilled and enjoy the refreshing fragrance” but it does not note that the chlorine gas present in this recipe will be harmful for the person who intakes this and will even cause lung damage or death.

When this app got enough fame , the New Zealand political person Liam Hehir posted on Twitter “recipe” , in short he was promoting his country’s people to experiment with these different recipes and share their experiences on social media. he recommended different recipes which are “fresh breath” mocktail, ant poison and glue sandwich, bleach infused rice surprise and methanol bliss which was the kind of turpentine flavored french toast.

When the interview was taken with the different persons of the supermarket, one spokesperson of the supermarket show disappointment in some people and said, “A small minority have tried to use the tool inappropriately and not for its intended purpose”. this statement shows that people have just misused the app. In the statements of supermarket people, it was said that “ supermarket would keep fine-tuning our controls” of the internet robot to make sure that it is safe.

And then it was noted that the internet bot have certain terms according to which the user should be over 18.

So the app was intentionally generated to help people who want to use the leftovers in their kitchen. In the beginning, many experiments was done on this app also many people have misused the app because of this the creators are very disappointed.



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