
Meta Launches Chatbot That Will Get Results From Google And Bing

Metta AI powered by the new Llama 3 model will integrate actual search results from Google and Bing.
This incorporation is the real-time search result from Google and Bing that marks the one level higher in AI assistant capabilities and their potential impact in the search industry.

Now, you can access Meta AI on Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, and WhatsApp.

Meta AI assistants choose and show the results from big search engines like Google and Bing depending on the question.

In this way, users will get detailed and diverse data.

This integration assists users in getting the information directly without switching the platforms.
Like, if you need to ask queries while you are on Facebook Messenger, you don’t need to leave the platform, instead, you can ask the queries directly on Messenger, and Meta AI will retrieve information from Google and Bing and answer it for you.

Meta is using different methods to make sure its AI assistant is present in all its social channels. So it is integrated into all of Meta’s apps: Instagram, Facebook, Messenger, and WhatsApp.

As Meta AI assistants use Google and Bing, so it will have a big impact on SEO. As chatbots will find the most appropriate answer from ranked websites, being visible in integrated search results will become more important for publishers and bloggers.

With this, SEO strategies will also need to evolve to fit traditional search engines and AI assistants which means paying more attention to conversation queries just like users talk to chatbots.

As traditional search and conversational AI merge, companies are competing for dominance.
CEO of Meta, Mark Zuckerberg has expressed ambitious plans for AI assistants, and his main aim is to make the AI tools available for all users.

The release of the upgraded version of Llama 3 and using Google and Bing to integrate the search results from Google and Bing into the chatbot make the Meta a top candidate in the AI chatbot market. Team

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