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How To Boost PS4 Internet Speed in 2024?

Is it hard for you to play online games with your friends? Are you getting low internet speed on your Play Station 4? Are you new to Play Station? Getting disturbed while playing video games because of slow internet speed?

Playing online games is very common in today’s generation. But for playing online games you should have high internet speed. But sometimes on WiFi high internet speed is not very usual. An interruption in internet speed will also cause an interruption in your game. You won’t be able to play properly. Playing online means you are communicating with people sitting in different regions at another corner of the map. 

Playing online video games will allow you to increase your communication skills. For playing games with another opponent, you have to communicate with them. Online video games are mostly played on playstations which require a high-speed internet connection because you have to transfer data to another region of the world. Also playing video games on PlayStation is very beneficial for your eyesight, previously most people played video games on mobile phones or on personal computers which are not convenient for playing for a long time.

Video Games:

Video games are computer games that are designed for only one purpose which is enjoyment. Its main purpose is only enjoyment for children or also adults. These games are electronic games in which the player has to interact with several pieces of equipment like a joystick, controller, keyboard, or motion-sensing device. These games are mainly for entertainment purposes. 

In video games you have to interact with other players, those players can be from your city or can be from another country. So you have to communicate with them. This thing also improves your communication skills. You can play online video games on your PC but fortunately, play stations are invented for video games which makes it easy for players to play video games.

Play Station:

PlayStation is a hot video game console abbreviated as PS, which was developed by SONY COMPUTER ENTERTAINMENT. It was first released in Japan on 3 December 1994. it was primarily designed by KEN KUTARAGI in Japan.


The first PlayStation which is also known as PS1 or PSX was released in 1994 which is then followed by PlayStation 2 (PS2) in 2000, PlayStation 3 (PS3) in 2006, and many more. 

Play Station 1 (PS1)

Play Station 1 (PS1) which is also known as Play Station or PSX was first introduced on 3 December 1994 by SONY. For playing games on PlayStation 1, you should have CDs, without CDs, it doesn’t work. It competed against the Nintendo 64 and Sega Saturn.

Play Station 2 (PS2)

It was the second creation of the gaming console from SONY Computer Entertainment, which is abbreviated as PS2. Play Station 2 was first launched on March 4, 2000. It uses CDs or DVDs for playing games and it also competes against the Nintendo GameCube and Microsoft Xbox. 

Play Station 3 (PS3)

It is also known as PS4 was first released on 11 November 2006 by SONY computer entertainment. PlayStation 3 competed against the Microsoft Xbox 360 and Nintendo Wii. It also had a model with 40 GB to 320 GB hard drives.

Play Station 4 (PS4)

PlayStation 4 (PS4)  can connect to a TV through an HDMI connection for excellent audio or video quality. it was first introduced on 15 November 2013. it competes against Nintendo Wii U and Microsoft Xbox One. The play station 4 console has an AMD 64-bit APU, 8 gigabytes of GDDR5 memory. It can connect to the internet through WIFI or an Ethernet cable and it also uses Blu-ray discs.

Play Station 5 (PS5)

The latest version of Play Station is PlayStation 5 (PS5), which is also the latest version of Sony’s Gaming console. It was first launched on 12 November 2020. it’s a competitor to Xbox series X and Nintendo Switch. It’s a new updated version with a dual sense controller with advanced haptic feedback.

How Does Play Station Work?

After loading the game into a hard drive with the help of a disc, the main component that is the controller interacts with the game.

The iconic 14 buttons were easy to navigate and helped to play the game as easily as jumping from the bed. Inside the controller, there is a simple circuit and when you press any button, it completes a part of it.

The button that is pressed pushes down the metallic disc that makes contact with the circuit board and conducts electricity. This would send the message to game data and complete the command you selected.

Playing video games on PlayStation is very convenient but on just condition that is if you have a good internet connection.

The fastest speed of the internet is required for the PlayStation to work. You won’t be able to enjoy the game if your internet speed is disturbing your game. But there are some ways with the help of which you can improve the speed of your internet while using PlayStation 4 (PS4).

How To Boost Play Station 4 Internet Speed in 2024:

If it’s getting hard for you to play video games on your play station 4 with your friend just because of low internet speed. we have certain solutions for you to increase your internet speed.

following are some tips which you can follow to boost the internet speed of you play station 4

  1. Use an Ethernet cable connection instead of using a WiFi
  2. Switch ISPs or you can get a better ISP plan
  3. If you are using WiFi, move closer to the WiFi router
  4. Buy a WiFi router with a better range
  5. Pause and resume your play station downloads
  6. Use power line adapters around your house
  7. Put your play station on rest mode
  8. Download one game at a time on play station 4
  9. Using QoS prioritizes gaming on your router

These are the tips that you have to follow to boost your internet connection speed on Play Station 4 . Some of them are free and some may cost you a little but they will give you effective results.

Let’s take a closer look at these solutions:

Use Ethernet Cable Connection

There are many solutions available for boosting the speed of your internet on PlayStation 4 but the easiest and instant solution is switching to an Ethernet cable connection if you are using a WiFi (wireless) connection.

Because Ethernet cable connection increases the speed of the internet as compared to WiFi this solution will instantly boost up your internet speed on PlayStation 4. As compared to WiFi connection Ethernet offers a stable and faster internet connection.

Many people don’t believe in this solution but this is the most effective solution of all the solutions available.

Switch ISPs Or Get A Better ISP PLAN

Play Station 4 (PS4) is the most amazing and preferable model of all the models of PlayStation but it is only held back by a slow internet connection. Selecting a better internet plan is a difficult choice to make when you have plenty of options. Many people don’t even know which internet plan is best suitable for gaming purposes.

Everyone loves to play online games with their friends but it won’t be possible if your internet is slow speed you will not be able to enjoy the features of PlayStation 4 (PS4). you can upgrade your internet services or can change your ISP provider. Doing this will boost your PlayStation 4 internet speed and then you can enjoy gaming with your friends.

If You Are Using WIFI, Move Closer To WIFI Router

Internet speed is also affected by distance from the source or also because of hindrances like walls. Therefore for getting good signals, you have to move your PlayStation 4 closer to your router or you can place the router at the nearest place to your play station 4. Sony computer entertainment has already sold more than 80 million play station 4 consoles worldwide, but still, many users complain about poor wireless connection for their games.

If you are living in a large house or you are using your PlayStation in the upper building while the WiFi router is on the ground floor then this solution will help increase the speed of your internet.

Buy a  WIFI Router With a Better Range

Each WiFi router has its signal range different from others, so if you are using play station 4 in your room and your WiFi router is in another room and you are not getting enough signals because of less range of your WiFi router then you may experience the slow speed of internet.

This can be solved if you use Ethernet but it won’t be convenient because Ethernet won’t allow you to move here and there while playing games you just have to sit at some specific place. So for this range issue, you have to buy a new router but with an increased range as compared to the previous one Before buying you have to make sure about the range of that WiFi router.

Pause And Resume Your Download

Downloading games and updating them for your PlayStation 4 can be a real drag sometimes. Many factors play a key role in the hindrance of a network just as the type of network you are using and the ti of the day.

Sometimes you are just fed up with the slow speed of the internet. this solution has no logic but it works 100% you can try it by pausing your download and then resuming it, this will increase your downloading speed 100%. it will just give your device or internet to rest and then restart.

Use Power Line  Adaptors Around Your House

If you have poor WiFi coverage at some places in your house and your play station 4 is placed in that specific place then you will not be able to access the high-speed internet, the best solution for this problem is to use a power line adapter which will connect your play station 4 directly to the network without using extra cable or router. This power line adapter solution is not very expensive and will give access to each part of your house to high-speed internet.

The best part of this solution is you don’t have to install new cables in your house or drill holes in your walls.

Put Your Play Station 4 On Rest Mode

If your games are taking forever to download on your PlayStation 4, it will be very frustrating for users sometimes. This Play Station 4 is not very optimized for high-speed internet connection, so it can be irritating when trying to download a game or update from the Play Station Store. Downloading big files can take forever with slow-speed internet on play station 4, to enable fast downloads you can put your play station 4 on rest mode. These steps should be followed:

  • Settings; power saving settings; set functions available in rest mode 
  • Put a tick to ‘’stay connected to the internet’’. this enables the PS4 to continue downloading even in rest mode.
  • You can hold down the play station button to bring up the quick menu 
  • Select power followed by selecting ‘’enter rest mode’’. this will put your PlayStation into low-power mode while downloading.

Download One Game At A Time

This is very common that internet speed is inversely proportional to the number of downloads. The more the number of downloads the less will be the speed of the internet. So for better internet speed on your PlayStation, 4 you have to download one game at a time. Pause other games and just download one at a time this will also increase the speed of your download. You can also save hard drive space by downloading one game at a time instead of several in parallel. You can also minimize the number of devices connected to the WiFi this will also boost your internet speed.

Using QoS Prioritize Gaming On Your Router

 If you have a router with a QoS setting then prioritize your PlayStation 4 to increase the bandwidth accessed by your PS4. follow the following steps to do so:

  • Find the IP or MAC address of your play station 4 in connection settings or status 
  • Log in to your router, the username or password is given at the back of your route. You can use Chrome, Firefox
  • If QoS settings are available check them on ‘’advanced settings’’, here you will find a list of devices  accessing your network 
  • Use a MAC address to select your PS4 
  • Set the priority to the highest setting
  • Apply and save to activate QoS on your router 

Prioritizing your PS4 will enable your PS4 to get priority on internet connection.

Change To Cloud FLARE’S DNS 

Firstly you have to boot up your PS4 and then go to the network settings, in the internet settings select the option setup internet connection. In this menu choose which type of connection you use. Choose your WiFi connection. Do not change any of the following settings except the DNS settings. In the DNS setting configure your settings to the values that are given below. Save the settings and then check your internet speed on PlayStation 4.

  • Primary DNS:
  • Secondary DNS: 


This article is mainly written to tell the reader about the play station and how you can improve the speed of the internet of your play station 4. no one like the slow speed of the internet especially when you are playing online games with your friends.

So we discussed some tips and tricks with the help of which you can increase the speed of the internet of your PlayStation 4. PlayStation is invented for users to play video games with their friends and for their entertainment but play station whatever it’s model it requires high internet speed.

But sometimes your WIFI router is not giving your play station high speed because of which you suffered and not be able to play games with your friends. I hope this article will be helpful for you in boosting the speed of your internet on Play Station 4. Team

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