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How to Choose The Best Desk Phone For Your Office

If you’re trying to replace your business phone system, choosing the best phones can be challenging. Maybe you have landline phones and aren’t sure if you should go to a virtual phone system entirely, get some plug-in VoIP desk phones, or do both.

Choosing phones that will meet your specific business needs now, expand with your firm, and offer a first-rate calling experience to customers and staff is ultimately what matters. For instance, a small retail company can have very basic phone needs. It may be essential to have features like call forwarding to the office and shop floor and a virtual receptionist with menu options for operation hours.

However, a service provider may require a more complex setup for their phone requirements. You might want to think about setting up a call center or integrating your communications system with your Salesforce CRM if your business relies on recurring revenue and building relationships with clients. Let’s move forward. Read this article to gain the knowledge you need to choose a business phone system that will give your small business a polished, modern edge.

Switching To A VoIP Technology System From A Landline:

It’s helpful to know how your current analog phone differs from VoIP telephony while making the transition from regular company telephones to a digital phone system.

Telephone vs. VoIP:

There are two types of phone systems available: landline and VoIP. Landline phones have been utilized by businesses for a long time. But as phone technology developed, internet protocol (IP) phones became accessible.

Still, most big businesses couldn’t afford the expensive early IP business phone systems. Telecom carriers may eventually offer enterprise-class IP phones to smaller businesses at a competitive price.

Pbx And Landline Phones:

Landline telephones transmit voice signals from one phone to another via copper wire. The calls are routed over a public switched telephone network (PSTN). In the 1970s, larger businesses started using private branch exchanges, or PBXs. The plain old telephone service, or POTS, was connected to the PBX to make outgoing calls.

As part of the PBX, businesses maintained an on-site exchange for internal calls. Smaller companies, however, occasionally were unable to purchase PBXs because of the initial expenses involved in installing and maintaining an on-premise phone system. By the 1990s, voice data transmission over the Internet is possible. Over time, the traditional PBX gave way to the internet-protocol PBX (IP-PBX).

Outgoing calls were still routed over the public phone network, while internal communications were transferred to the internet via the on-premises IP-PBX. This setup required setting up and maintaining network hardware on the premises.

The commercial telephone system has changed significantly in the last few decades. Businesses are using VoIP phones more and more these days. A phone service provider manages the hosted PBX (cloud-based phone system) remotely.

Indeed, hosted IP PBX VoIP is expected to develop at the fastest rate of more than 15% between 2019 and 2025, according to Global Market Research. Cloud IP-PBX is a popular alternative for businesses since it saves money on expensive on-premises system components and continuous IT maintenance.

VOIP Telephone Equipment:

VoIP phones use the internet to place and receive calls. Because of developments in smartphone technology, security, and internet speed, businesses may now purchase competitively priced, dependable, and efficient phones.

These days, installing an app on a desktop computer, or mobile device, or connecting an IP desk phone to a modem can be all it takes to set up a VoIP system for a small business.

Common Types Of VoIP Phone Systems:

VoIP networks are available in many different variants, and the two primary types of business phone systems are VoIP and landlines. To help you choose the one you need, let’s look at the two most common types of internet-based phone systems.

A softphone:

Software powers a virtual phone, also referred to as a softphone. There is no hardware needed; users make and receive calls using an app on their PC or mobile device.

For example, a customer service agent managing calls using a softphone does it with just a desktop computer and a headset—a desk phone is not necessary. It’s possible that a remote project manager can only use their mobile device and the business phone app to make and receive business calls.

Desk Phones with VoIP:

If you still appreciate having physical phones, it should be easy to convert your existing analog phone to work over the Internet. Alternatively, you can purchase VoIP desk phones that are operational straight out of the packaging.

Important Things To Think About While Selecting A Business Phone Provider:

Determine what you currently need for your specific company communications as well as what you will need in the future as you prepare to switch to a cloud-based phone system.

Evaluate the phone system you have now.

Check all the phones you now own. Speak with the staff about VoIP features that could increase their productivity at work and find out if they have any internal phone usage restrictions.

Think about your phone system from your consumer’s point of view as well. When a customer phones to speak with a support agent, for example, how easy is it to get through to the right person? Are they postponed? Is it feasible to customize the waiting period?

Consider the features of the VoIP phone (many of which come standard), the number of communication lines you would need, and how the system will enhance workplace collaboration.

Consider The Phone Needs Of Your Remote Employees:

If you choose to hire more people, you must set up your work-from-home teams properly. What benefits will your new phones offer to distant workers?

One of the many advantages of a VoIP phone system is flexibility. It only takes a few clicks from your phone system dashboard to add a recently hired remote worker.

Furthermore, a softphone allows remote workers to quickly use the phone without the need for hardware. By using a corporate mobile app, employees can utilize their work phones to make and receive calls on their devices without disclosing their numbers.

Think About Potential Expansion In The Future:

When choosing a new phone configuration, you might not be able to anticipate what kind of phone communication you’ll need in two or 10 years. Your phones will need to adapt as your business grows and changes over time.

It will consequently be challenging to keep running your organization with a traditional landline system as it grows. Your on-premises aging systems’ inefficiency will increase the cost of patching them. It will also be difficult to provide your clients with the modern call experience they expect. VoIP systems allow you to upgrade your phones as needed, from adding lines for new hires to putting up cloud-based phones across many locations.

If you require more advanced features to give your communications a modern, customer-friendly edge, you can upgrade your VoIP system to integrate your CRM or Salesforce connectors.

Learn The Price:

The upkeep of a legacy on-premises system is highly costly. Whether you administer the system internally or employ a specialized IT consultant, fixes and late-night system updates add cost.

In addition, you are patching together a system that will never be updated. Moreover, the antiquated system may lack features that are standard on business phones today (such ring groups, call routing, virtual receptionists, and mobile access).

Every user will pay the same monthly flat charge for VoIP business phone service. Ask suppliers about any additional costs, such as setup fees.

Selecting A Provider Of Business Phone Service:

Your service provider has a big impact on the communications that your business uses. Keep the following in mind while assessing business phone service providers:

Help That Is Consistent And Customized:

In many ways, your phone system serves as the lifeline of your business, serving as a constant channel of communication between you and your customers.

That’s why your service provider ought to be reachable when you need them. If you have a quick question regarding a feature or need to add more phone lines, your provider is the one to consult.

Plans And Costs:

Analyze the prices and plans offered by the phone service providers you are thinking about. Can you see the components you need for your company from the side-by-side levels?

The service’s cost should be clearly stated. Refrain from Asking about any additional expenses (such as desk phone costs) to prevent unpleasant surprises.

Power In Data Centres:

Unlike an on-premise server, you would have in the utility closet, your phone service provider will handle it remotely. Find more about the data centers of potential vendors. In what way will their network keep your phone system operating?

Take Call Quality Seriously:

One of the problems with switching to a VoIP phone system is call quality. You may have experienced a choppy, staticky, or jittery voice during a VoIP conversation. A broken router or a poor internet connection are two of the many potential causes of the drop in speech quality.

To ensure that the sound quality on your business phones is constantly clear, your phone service provider will work with you. This can mean configuring your network and router to prioritize VoIP traffic over data usage. By doing this, even if someone downloads a big file while you’re on the phone, the system won’t overload and you’ll be able to maintain call clarity.

Obtain Internet Speed Fit For A Company:

The quality of your VoIP calls is mostly dependent on your internet service provider. Your present internet speed might be sufficient for standard business uses, such as sending emails and online browsing. Certain internet protocols may be required for VoIP communication to provide the best possible call quality. The good news is that most ISPs offer high-speed internet service appropriate for companies, and most of them support VoIP.

In the interim, you can assess the strength of your internet with a quick speed test. It is optimal to have a score of 256 kilobytes per second (kbps) or higher for every simultaneous call during peak hours. Finally, for dependable, high-quality calls, your phone service provider will advise you on the right internet speed and network setup.


Choosing a new phone system for your business is a significant decision. But the process doesn’t have to be challenging. With the information in this guide, you have all you need to convert your landline phones to always-on, trustworthy, and flexible business phones.

Moreover, the benefits are yours to start using as soon as your new system is up and running. This could be anything from staff remarking on how much easier it is to communicate with clients to a significant drop in your business phone expenses.

In Conclusion:

Selecting a business phone system is a crucial decision that will affect your company’s operations and infrastructure. Your business needs a solid communication system to meet customer expectations, provide exceptional service, follow up with leads, and facilitate internal communication. Additionally, when a critical call comes in on your cell phone while you’re not at your desk, you’ll surely wonder why you put off moving to a VoIP business phone system.


What Do You Call An Office Phone?

A business phone system, which includes everything from the private branch exchange (PBX) to the key telephone system (KTS), is a phone system that is generally utilized in commercial settings.

What Is The Purpose Of A Pbx System?

A private branch exchange (PBX) is a type of phone system used in businesses that allow customers to share a set number of external phone lines while also allowing calls to be switched between local lines.

Which Phone Do Leading CEOs use?

He is now a fan of Samsung. Android phones are used by Google co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin. Google CEO Sundar Pichai has a Pixel 4XL. When they were still available, Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, used an Amazon Fire Phone.

What Is The Purpose Of Phones In The Office?

Utilizing your mobile device for professional endeavors can greatly enhance communication accessibility. Your cell phone can be used at any moment to communicate, cooperate, or make calls to coworkers, which saves time and boosts output.

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