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15+ Best Tips To Improve The Camera Skills of Your Smartphone?

Are you a photography lover and want to get the best photos through your smartphone? Or you searching for how to get the best photos through your smartphone? Are you curious about how to improve the camera quality of your smartphone? Do you love to create memories and want to do this with your smartphone?

If yes! Learn here the ways to improve the camera skills of your smartphone and enjoy creating beautiful memories.

Smartphones are easily available to everyone nowadays as every person has a smartphone. Smartphones nowadays are coming with amazing camera qualities and features but yes you are questioning how to improve the camera skills of your smartphone. It is important to know as sometimes people have the best camera but they don’t know how to utilize its camera qualities or how they improve its camera skills.

Don’t worry we are here to help you!

In this article, we will explore some important tips or guidelines that you should consider to improve the camera skills of your smartphone.

How To Improve The Camera Skills Of Your Smartphone?

To improve the camera skills of your smartphone you should consider the tips we are going to provide you. Keeping these tips in your mind will help you to capture the best memories for you. Learn the way to improve the camera skills of your smartphone.

1. Clean Your Lens:

One of the most common reasons behind your blurry and distorted images is that you are taking photos with your dirty camera lens. As it is obvious that dust and debris will be collected on the lens. When there is dust and dirt on the lens of your smartphone it will block the light entering into the lens which will reduce the quality of your shots.

If you are not habitual in cleaning your lenses regularly, then your shots will suffer in terms of clarity as well as color accuracy. The best way to clean your smartphone is to use a microfiber cloth to remove the visible dust or dust from the lens of your smartphone.

It is advised that your camera lens should be cleaned daily, if you are not doing that, clean your camera lens every week. But once a month is mandatory to do so.

2. Adjust The Focus And Exposure:

The second most important thing to improve the camera skill of your smartphone is to adjust the focus and exposure. Your smartphone has many features that allow you to focus and exposure on the fly.

If your camera does not have these features, in that case, you can download photo editing applications like Snap Seed, light room for Mobile, or Photoshop Express the adjust your focus and exposure.

The typical way to adjust the exposure and focus of your smartphone is to use the bar or slide at the bottom of your screen. At the same time, you can zoom in or zoom out to find out where you want to focus. After focusing on the object just don’t wait and shoot it.

3. Get Better Lighting:

Getting the best photos with the camera of your smartphone is much easier in well-lighted areas than in dark surroundings. For indoor shots try to set up artificial lighting with the help of ring lights, lamps, or incandescent bulbs. If you are shooting outside, try to avoid direct sunlight.

As direct sunlight can cause light to reflect off the lens of the camera into your photo, it may create a glare or sparkle in the image.

So if you want to get the best photos from your smartphone, try to get the best lighting, especially for indoor shoots. For outdoor shots, sometimes it is also important to use the lighting when there is not enough light to capture amazing pictures.

4. Steady Your Shot:

Another way to improve the camera skills of your smartphone is to steady the shot. Now you will be thinking how can I steady the shot?

Ok, you can get the best pictures by keeping your hands still and making sure that your hands are not shaking while capturing the photos for you. If you are trying to capture the group photo, there should be a person to press the shutter button as another person should be there to hold the phone as steady as possible.

Nowadays the use of a tripod is increasing to get the best photos as it holds the smartphone in the best way and there is no possibility of shaking your smartphone if you have adjust it tightly. If you don’t have a tripod, try to find an alternative of this to get the photos not blurry and as clear as you need.

5. Ditch The Digital Zoom:

Smartphones usually have smaller resolutions than other professional cameras that are available in the market. If you are using digital zoom to get enlarged images it will make your pictures blurry, grainy, or pixelated.  In case you are shooting with your Android smartphone or iPhone, don’t use digital zoom to get enlarged photos.

Or if you want to get enlarged images, move your camera closer to the person or object you are shooting instead of using digital zoom.

So if you want to get clear pictures with your smartphone, just avoid using digital zoom as it will give you blurry photos. People are using digital zoom to get closer images but you will see the quality of their shots will not be so good as they appear blurry and pixelated.

6. Use The Right Camera Lens:

Smartphones nowadays come with multiple camera lenses that are used for different purposes. There is different camera for selfies and different for landscape images. In smartphones, the camera feature which blurs the background and focuses on an object is also available. Try to explore all the cameras as well as their functions and then decide which camera will be best for you.

It is important to know how and when to use these cameras will help you to take the best pictures in different indoor and outdoor environments. So if you want to get the best photos for you, you have to choose the right camera lens will be best to get memorable images.

7. Try Shooting In RAW:

JPEG is the most common and widely used digital format worldwide. It is convenient to use as it reduces the size of the file and has relatively good image quality when shooting in less-than-ideal lighting conditions. Shooting in RAW format means preserving more data from the original photo. It is beneficial for any type of editing that will take place in post-processing for example the color correcting an overexpressed shot.

8. Install The Third-Party Camera Applications:

A third-party camera application will help you to improve the camera skills of your smartphone. A third-party application will improve the quality of photos taken by the smartphone camera. Apps like Camera Plus and Google Cameras on your phone provide the features that the default camera app doesn’t have.

When you install Google Chrome on your Android smartphone, it will allow you to access the features like night sight as well as portrait mode. If you want to improve the quality of your photos, you can enhance the quality of the photos that are captured through your smartphone.

9. Apply The Rule Of Thirds:

Smartphone cameras usually have a camera with a grid that people use to take sunset photos using the rule of thirds. The rule of thirds is a simple concept that helps you to compose your images. It is based on the idea that dividing an image into nine equal parts that are used to form a three-by-three grid creates visual interest.

Your aim should be to place the main subject of your photo in these intersections or along the lines. Ideally, it should be in the left or right third of an image.

10. Learn Your Camera Features:

Knowing how your camera works should be the most important step to consider to improve your camera skills. Your aim should not be limited to the location of your camera features, learn the function of these features too.

One of the best ways to learn how to use your smartphone camera is to experiment with the different settings. Understanding how shutter speed, ISO, and aperture will help you capture amazing photos. It will truly reflect your style. Knowing the camera features is important as you can easily decide which camera feature is best for you.

11. Use HDR Mode:

HDR mode is also known as High Dynamic Range which is an amazing feature for smartphone camera applications. It will provide you with the detail out of the darkest and lightest part of your picture and create a better balance of colors. Its downside is that, in HDR mode photos will take a little longer time to process.

It is specifically suitable for landscape and portrait shots especially when there is a wide range between the dark and light parts of your photo. It will take a few milliseconds to take a snap though, you should avoid using it on fast-moving subjects or when to use it when you are unable to keep your phone steady.

12. Edit Your Shots:

You can improve the quality of your photos by editing them through editing applications available. Some editing applications are free to use and for some applications, you have to pay. These editing applications will allow you to adjust the exposure, color saturation, and sharpness then you will get the best-looking shots.

If you are looking for a free editing application, you can try Snapseed. This application is designed to help you to make dramatic changes and adjustments in just a few seconds.

You can also use Snapseed to create the double exposure effect and add artistic effects to your photos. You can easily fix the wide-angle distortion using the app’s perspective tool and it will sharpen your photo using the detail tool.


Improving the camera skills of your smartphones is not a difficult task, but yes people usually have the best cameras in their smartphones but they don’t use it properly. If they do not use it properly, then the quality of your photos will be blurry and you may get pixelated pictures.

So if you want to improve the camera skills of your smartphone, all you have to do is follow the tips and guidelines mentioned in this article.

We have covered up the best possible ways, which will help you to improve the camera skills of your smartphone. Follow the guidelines mentioned above and get the best photos with the help of your smartphone.

We are hopeful that, now you can get stunning pictures by improving the camera skills of your smartphone.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ’s):

Q: How Can I Improve My Smartphone Camera?

To improve your smartphone camera, set the high resolution in the settings. When higher the resolution, then the quality of your resolution will be higher.

But remember to avoid zooming in on the subject while shooting pictures with your smartphone because your resolution will suffer. To get images of higher resolution, get your camera near your object. Use your smartphone camera to get amazing photos.

Q: Is It Possible To Improve The Quality Of Your Phone Camera Quality?

Yes! It is possible to improve the quality of your phone camera quality. To improve the camera quality of your photos, clean your lens and then try to focus on an object to get an amazing picture.

Another way to improve the quality of your phone camera is the use of third-party applications. Choose the third-party application according to your needs.

Q: What is HDR In The Camera?

HDR stands for high dynamic range. It is the range of light and dark tones in your photos. The human eye has a very high dynamic range that’s why they can see the details in both shadows and highlights.

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