
Now You Can Enjoy The Big Screen Of Gmail

Now You Can Enjoy The Big Screen Of Gmail

With the advancement of technologies and new inventions, different companies are also trying their hard to meet the new hopes of users.

Just like this Google also has launched a new feature for the users who still have the folding screen mobile phone. Those screens are big as compared to the normal Android screen. With the release of Android 12L, Google is trying to improve its apps for large-screen users like tablets and fold-able mobile phones.

New designs have also been launched in the last 2 years, They introduced the dual pane design for users who are using big screens and now they have made more improvements in it.

The people who are using 9to5Google have seen that Gmail has now added one more option of navigation rail to the left side of the screen. Before that, this option was on the bottom of the screen because of which users will not be able to enjoy the big screen of Gmail. But now with its placement to the side of the screen, people with big mobile screens can easily enjoy their big screens.

In this way, you can easily scroll your content on the big screen and read your emails with more ease. However, there is not much to do on Gmail other than mailing the other person, reading their reply, or just checking your inbox. But still, people need their comfort level and as usual, Google always tries its best to bring more comfort to its users.

For many years we have seen the compose button in the form of floating on the main screen of Gmail, but with this new change in the app now the navigation rail has the compose button. Navigation rails also have other options like having chats, emails, and meeting buttons, and also switching between the options is not very difficult to do.

Firstly this new feature design was only available to some beta users but with time it can be seen that now is spreading widely in a much shorter period.

But the main thing is this new design feature is not yet updated on tablets or other big screens other than fold-able mobile phones. This means only the users who have foldable mobile phones can get access to this new design feature and can enjoy the big screen.

Google always stay on the first line of inventing new features or new models, with this new feature they have proved that they always want their users to be as comfortable as they can so that they can enjoy their apps. Gmail is an app that is not used very frequently but with the time being when you enter your professional life you will understand that this app is very important. Because of this app, you can communicate with your employees or boss more professionally and so in this way, this app also needs some developments which Google is doing side by side.

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