
Wear OS 4 Whispers Reach Tizen: Galaxy Watch 3 Gets a Stylish Upgrade!

Remember the Galaxy Watch 3, that sleek Tizen-powered timepiece from 2020? Well, dust it off, because it’s got a fresh lick of paint thanks to a new software update! Samsung’s breathing new life into this trusty smartwatch by borrowing watch faces straight from its latest Wear OS 4 playground.

Gone are the days of FOMO for Galaxy Watch 3 owners. This update, rolling out with a firmware version ending in DWK2, infuses two trendy watch faces from the One UI Watch 5 experience: Perpetual and Stretched Time.

Think of Perpetual as a minimalist masterpiece. It’s all about clean lines and elegant simplicity, showcasing the time with bold numerals and subtle markers. It’s perfect for those who like a classic, uncluttered look.

Stretched Time, on the other hand, is a playful peek into the future. It bends and twists the hour markers around the watch face, creating a dynamic and eye-catching display. It’s ideal for tech-savvy trendsetters who like a touch of the avant-garde.

But wait, there’s more! 

This update doesn’t just add fancy faces. It also whispers sweet nothings of improved health tracking to Galaxy Watch 3 users. While the Tizen OS version remains unchanged at, there are hints of behind-the-scenes tweaks for a smoother health monitoring experience.

Now, you might be wondering, “Why is a Tizen watch getting love from Wear OS 4?” It’s all part of Samsung’s grand smartwatch strategy. While they’ve moved to Wear OS for newer models, they haven’t forgotten their Tizen fanbase. This update shows they’re committed to keeping older devices fresh and functional.

So, what does this mean for you, the Galaxy Watch 3 owner? It’s time to celebrate! Head over to the Galaxy Wearable app and check for the update. In a few taps, you’ll be rocking the latest watch faces and potentially enjoying improved health tracking. It’s like giving your trusty smartwatch a whole new lease on life!

This update is a testament to Samsung’s dedication to its customers. It shows that even in the ever-evolving world of smartwatches, no device gets left behind. So, strap on your Galaxy Watch 3, update it up, and enjoy the fruits of Samsung’s cross-platform love! Team

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